What's With All The Poms & Ohmms?

Where Did Pompom Ohmm Begin

After Covid19 more people than ever came to appreciate, how important our mental health & wellbeing can be.

After having my first baby in a global pandemic, my mental wellbeing was effected.

And I was urgently in need of a distraction.

When I was a child I made pompoms by using a template cut from the back of a cereal packet.

This wasn't a quick task!

Especially as you had to destroy your template after each one.

Anyway during the lost year, whilst isolating, I discovered the Pompom maker and I was off...

Hours spent wrapping wool around a nifty gadget.

Really quick results, busy hands, and a much needed distraction!


But what to do with the new pompom obsession...

Cue the husband ...

"Don't you think we can do something with these, because they are breeding!"

And so Pompom Ohmm was born!

More about Pompom Ohmm

Pompom Ohmm is owned by Helen Miller who is the sole trader of Pompom Ohmm.

We are based in Eastham, Wirral, United Kingdom, CH62.

We are a new company who started trading on the 6th of August 2021.

The Ohmm in our name is based on the meditative chant and is included as referance to my use of Pompom making to relax my mind and improve my metal wellbeing.

Our little & happy Pompom family

Helen Miller

With Husband Karl Miller

Baby Miller's feet

Our logo and Inspiration

More About Helen Miller

I have a love of all things creative and I have been crafting since childhood, turning my hand to most things.

I am very intrested in using craft and art to support mental wellbeing.

That is why alongside this bussiness I am creating a wellbeing Facebook group called crafting for clarity.

I hope to bring together like minded people and run crafting workshops both online and hopefully in person soon.

Qualifications: BA Ceramics, MA Arts for Health and Wellbeing, Level 6 Sign Language, Level 3 Health and social care.

Experience: 9 Years Activity Manager Ceramics for Autism Together.

Crafts I have worked with: Mosaics, Ceramics, Painting, Drawing, Plaster moulding, pyrography, & Pompoms,